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Güncel Haberler

The illusional glass

4th January is celebrated as International Braille day. While we must appreciate the invention of braille to help the visually impaired, lets take a moment to realise the importance of one thing that Braille or no equipment can help. The Mirror! - A piece of glass used to get us ready and give a glimpse of what we actually look like. But do we realise that a mirror does more than telling us how we look on the outside. Well it also influences of what we are on the inside.
"Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of us all."
We have been listening to this tale since childhood and tell me, would have the story existed if there wasn't a mirror to answer?
And each one of us have wished at least once to get a mirror that tells us that we are beautiful.
The often used phrase, can you look at yourself in the mirror is a way of asking your self of what is in the inside of you rather than the outside. 
While mirror , a piece of glass created so that we know how we look rather has become a way to boost our confidence and self esteem. Looking at ourselves tells us if we are ready to face the world or not. But why let a piece of glass decide whether we can do something confidently or not.
A psychological fact says that we are confident and our best self when we know we look presentable , no harm in that but why let that be turned into a insecurity. Carrying a hand mirror , looking into our front cameras , frequent visits to the loo to see the mirror and glimpsing at the specially attached mirror right next to the door before leaving are all ways to seek support and let the mirror tell us that we look okay so that we are confident.
As a child we were told to look in the mirror while rehearsing dialogues and speeches because that boosted our confidence ; and yes, there is no harm in that but that is just a psychological trick.
If that would have been true then the visually impaired would have no confidence at all for they can't see how they look, right?
The point here I'm trying to make is that first let us appreciate the fact that we have so much in the world to see and to feel and our happiness and confidence should not be dependent on the way we look. A mirror is just a reflection, it is how you perceive yourself. It can be an illusion. While we see ourselves in the mirror and decide no, I can't do it, someone else decided not to look at one and faced the world after all.
Be confident in what you are and let what you are within be the Mirror, the guide, the reflection to what you can be and not a piece of glass that is superficial and delusional. Let us get inspired by the visually impaired this International Braille Day and feel ourselves from within and face the world like there is nothing to stop us and definitely not even a reflection of our own self.

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