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Monthly Favourites: November

Did November even happen? I feel like every year November goes by in a flash. November is such a nothing month, very little happens and I am always so focused on preparing for Christmas that November just passes me by. December always starts and then I realise I've forgotten to open my Advent Calendar as in my mind it is still November. As soon as I realise we are in December, it becomes Christmas for me; I decorate my room, put my advent calendar out and I swap to my Christmas bedding. 

This November the prep for December has been massive, as I am doing Blogmas I have been trying to get as much done as I can because December is always so busy. I struggle to keep up with everything in December without undertaking such a massive task. Looking back at my blog, December is consistently the month that I have published the least amount of posts pretty much every year and this fills me with a little bit of worry for the month that is coming.

However whilst we are still in November I should probably focus on the products that I have been loving this moth and there have been quite a few beauty products which have made their way to my favourites. I have been trying quite a few new products this month due to trying to prep for Blogmas but not many of these items have made their way to my favourites as I'm saving them for next month. 

My first favourite is one that I did not expect to like but I bought it anyway. I was in town a couple of weeks ago and as a cut through to my car, I went into Waterstones. As I was wandering through I saw The New Fashion Rules by In The Frow and I was instantly intrigued. I am not a fan of the Influencer book trend because to be honest what do most of them have to write books about? However I have always respected Victoria from In The Frow and she has remained one of my favourite content creators over the years. When I first discovered Victoria she was a lecturer at The University of Manchester so clearly she has always known what she was talking about and that is why she has gained the respect of her followers. I always love Victoria's fashion recommendations so I thought her book would be of interest to me. 

I picked up The New Fashion Rules thinking it was going to be a guide to styling and more about brands, I thought it would have info I already know but decided to give it a go anyway. However I was so surprised by how much content there is in this book. The book is more about the history of fashion with Victoria taking you through some of the key moments in fashion and also how technology has moved the fashion industry forward. Not only is it more of an insiders guide to fashion but also it gives you tips on blogging and Instagram which I actually feel are quite helpful. I have been trying to grow my Instagram for the blog, go on give me a follow @SophaaRambles, and some of the tips Victoria gives in the book have actually helped me this month. I actually learnt a lot through reading this book and it is broken down into short sections which makes it easy to read but also means you can pick it up, read a small section and then put it down to return to later. 

I read this book in a week which shows how much I enjoyed it because normally it takes me quite a long time to read books these days. A lot of Influencer books are sold on the basis that the person buying the book is a fan because they do not have a massive amount of content outside of their Youtube or blog but this is a book that I feel you wouldn't need to know who In The Frow was to enjoy it. I feel like anyone with an interest in fashion could pick this book up and enjoy it so this would make a good Christmas present for anyone in your life who takes an interest in fashion. It has not changed my mind on the whole Influencer book trend and I will not buy any more based on liking this book but I have to say I enjoyed this so much that I would consider it a favourite this month and I did learn a lot through reading it. I have written a full book review but that will be not be coming to the blog until January now. I have already decided on all of my content for Blogmas and I do not have enough space for this review but I guess that will be something to look forward to during the come down after the festive period. 

A favourite that has been a long time in the making is the Charlotte Tilbury Eyes to Mesmerise in the shade Rose Gold. This was first launched back in May but I missed out on buying it as it sold out really quickly. I had never tried any of the Eyes to Mesmerise cream eye shadows from Charlotte Tilbury before but I absolutely loved the look of this shade. I first saw it on Really Ree and I loved the look of the swatches but sort of dismissed it. Then I saw a picture on Alessandra Steinherr's Instagram who was wearing it and it looked incredible and then I decided I needed it but obviously could not buy it as it was out of stock. 

When I knew I had missed out on this, I looked for alternatives and purchased the Tom Ford Golden Peach Powder and Cream Duo as in swatches I saw online they looked pretty similar. After buying the Tom Ford one I was pretty happy with it. However when it was announced that Charlotte Tilbury would be doing the makeup for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show they also announced that they would be bringing back some products that they were going to be using and the Rose Gold Eyes to Mesmerise was one of them. At first I had no idea if I should get the Charlotte Tilbury one because I loved the Tom Ford one and that was my replacement for the Charlotte Tilbury cream eye shadow but then I thought fuck it, I will just have both. I could compare both of them and I had originally wanted the Charlotte Tilbury one anyway. 

Since the Charlotte Tilbury one arrived it is all I have been using on my eyes. It is a pale pink with a warm gold undertone and a fine golden shimmer running through it. This was the exact shade I wanted whereas the Tom Ford one is a lot more pink and a lot more golden. The formula is quite thin which makes it perfect on days that I don't have enough time to apply eye shadow when I am at home and need to do it on my way to work as this blends out seamlessly and it is super easy to use. I have to say this does sheer out quite a lot but some days I don't mind that. Not only is it a great product but I adore the packaging. I have been pairing this cream with the Pillow Talk Quad and it creates a pale pink eye shadow look I had been wanting for a long time so I am thrilled to finally be able to create the eye look. This is quite a short review as this is a monthly favourites rather than an in-depth breakdown of each product but if you do want to find out more about the Charlotte Tilbury Eyes to Mesmerise, I did do a comparison post to the Tom Ford cream: Tom Ford Vs Charlotte Tilbury

Quite often I forget about some of the items I have in my beauty collection as my collection has reached a point where it is far too big for one person. As well as a large makeup collection, I do also have a lot of perfumes. I love perfume and I will use different ones daily depending on my mood and also to fit the look I am going for that day. It wasn't until I received a sample of the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Intense perfume from the Glamour Beauty Club that I decided I need to find my bottle of the classic Coco Mademoiselle. 

I was testing the Coco Mademoiselle Intense for a couple days and to be honest it smells practically the same as the Coco Mademoiselle, it just lasts a little bit longer. However it was enough to remind me how much I love this scent. Coco Mademoiselle is the perfume I wear when I want to feel like a classy lady. It has the sophistication and luxury smell that the Chanel fashion pieces demonstrate. I don't wear this all the time as it is quite strong but whenever I wear it someone also comments on it as it is such a distinctive scent because so many people wear it. When you walk past someone wearing this perfume, you instantly know what it is. I have been wearing this for a couple of weeks and it has reminded me why I purchased this perfume in the first place and that is simply because I love the scent and it is iconic. If you haven't smelt this perfume, you need to! 

Towards the end of November the weather completely turned. It was sort of cold at the start of the month but at the end of November we are talking snow cold. When the cold weather is upon us I do suffer with dry hands, especially around my wrists. It can get to the point where it is painful and it can crack so this year I have been trying to avoid getting to this level of dryness because to be honest it is not pleasant. 

I did read a blog post earlier in the year by Chloe Elizabeth who spoke about working with dry skin so I have been trying to ensure I commit myself to some of these remedies. I have been using hand creams after I wash my hands or anti-bac my hands to try and retain some of the moisture and my hand cream of choice has been from The Body Shop. The Body Shop was a store that I used to shop in all of the time but in recent years I gave it a miss. That was until I treated myself to a tub of the Body Yogurt and I have been hooked on the product ever since. I recently ran out and needed some more so I went into store to get some. They had their Christmas scents in and I have always been a fan of the Vanilla scented products they release each year and this year I wanted to see if they had one. However this year they have changed it slightly and it is a Vanilla Marshmallow scent. At first I thought it was going to be too sweet but I decided to grab one of the hand creams anyway. If you couldn't tell by the fact it is in favourites, I love it. 

The scent is sweet but oddly enough I get compliments on it every time I use it. To be honest I think this mainly smells like Vanilla, Marshmallow isn't overly scented but I think it just adds a bit of sweetness to this scent. The Body Shop create some amazing formulas and their hand creams are one of them. They have quite a thin texture but they are nourishing and most importantly they do not leave your hands feeling greasy. Even though it has been quite cold, my hands have remained smooth and they are not dry which is exactly what I wanted. I highly rate the hand creams from The Body Shop and I am pleased that this has kept my dry skin at bay.

If you want to read the blog post I read about caring for dry skin here is a link to it, Chloe Elizabeth: How to Look After Dry Skin take a look, I really love Chloe's blog and I'm sure you will too. 

For the second month in a row I have been loving a product from the Alessandra Steinherr x Primark range. Last month I featured the Clay Detox Mask which I am still using and still loving but this month I have also been loving the Overnight Lip Mask. I am a big fan of all lip products. Everyone I work with likes to make fun of me as they have never seen me without lipstick and they wonder if I am ever not wearing a lip product. The answer is no, I even wear lip products to bed but I do change it to a lip balm at night. Since February I had been using the Jo Malone London Wild Milt & Ginger Lip Balm but this month I swapped to the Overnight Lip Mask and I have to say I think I prefer the Primark one.

Obviously I have spoken about Alessandra Steinherr many times on my blog, she is my beauty idol so I was thrilled to see she was doing a skincare range for Primark. I frequently watch her Instastories and she mentioned many times that the Overnight Lip Mask is one of her favourite products from the range and I can see why. I put this on before I go to bed and it is a silky smooth lip balm that is actually quite light in texture. It is pink tinted which seems odd for a product that you would really wear to bed but it is quite nice for when you use it during the day. When I first used this I did not think this would last through the night but when I woke up I could still feel an element of this lip balm on my lips and they looked hydrated and plump. They also felt very smooth so basically this lip mask did everything you would want it to do. I thought this would be a good product but I have ended up liking it more than I thought I would and this is only £4 which is a massive price difference compared to the Jo Malone London one I have been using.

If you can, I recommend you pick up this lip balm because it is one of my favourite items from the Alex Steinherr x Primark range. I went into the Bristol Primark the other week and they had finally restocked the range so it might be worth looking out for the range in your local store as it seems to be making its way back in. Much like my review for The New Fashion Rules, I will also be doing one for the Alex Steinherr x Primark range but it will be in the New Year. This is a permanent range so if you are worried that you won't be able to get some of the pieces you want from the collection, it is permanent so you will be able to get them eventually.

Now that we are on the last day of November, it is acceptable to be in full Christmas mode. I have been in Christmas mode since I decided to commit myself to Blogmas back in August. However now I feel like it is definitely acceptable. Tomorrow is the start of Blogmas and I will be posting a new blog post everyday for the next 25 days. I really hope that you enjoy Blogmas and come back to check it out because I have worked hard on it and it had taken up a lot of time. If you are reading this and doing Blogmas yourself please let me know in the comments as I would love to check them out as I appreciate how hard you have worked on it. I feel like my content has dipped this month as I have only been posting twice a week but hopefully Blogmas is going to make up for it!

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