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Güncel Haberler

Outfit of The Night

Mesh shirt: a random shop in Israel, customized with studs from an old belt
Belt: vintage shop in israel
Leggings: NEW from a random shop! I've been wanting these ones for so long!
Winklpickers; vintage, from Boxhagener Platz, Berlin.

Neckless is a red rose cameo from the amazing Pneuma Sonata.
Check her facebook out as well! Palina is very talented! ♥

This is just a quick post because I just hit 49 subscribers! I am so happy to see who would be the 50th!
I've been busy lately with walking in the fresh weather, passing my German language exam successfully and coming back to Wicca after long time since my coming to Berlin. I mostly develop myself through esoteric books lately, which is a splendid way mixing spirituality with learning German!

I've also been changing my obsessive makeup habits since a while ago. I've been doing basic things with no foundation only using concealer under my eyes like I always do. I've been using just an eye pencil and gel eyeliner, and frankly I need to do a small cosmetic review I've been planning...

I hope you guys are well.
Don't forget to drop by and say hello, here or on my other websites!
Best weekend!
