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Güncel Haberler

Mirabella Foundation Brush & Flat Eyeshadow Brush - pics, review

Hello, Beautiful!

Mirabella Beauty has come out with a new brush line, their Signature Brush Line, and I love the way they look. Their look is unlike any brush I currently have, but looks aren't everything; they also are quality brushes that perform really nicely.

Check out my pics, stats, and review... click on pics to view them larger.

Mirabella Beauty
Foundation Brush & Flat Eyeshadow Brush
Continue scrolling down to see more pics of each brush.

Mirabella Foundation Brush



Mirabella Beauty Flat Eyeshadow Brush


Basic Stats for Mirabella Foundation & Flat Eyeshadow Brushes:
Formula/Packaging: synthetic; finest quality materials
Cost/Availability: $38.00 (Foundation Brush), $27.00 (Flat Eyeshadow Brush). Available on the Mirabella Beauty website.
My Rating: 5 out of 5 Kisses

I know for a fact the Foundation Brush is synthetic, but I'm not 100% sure about the Flat Eyeshadow Brush - as it only says "finest quality materials" on their website. Regardless, I really like these brushes because they're very good quality, perform perfectly, and their handles are made from brushed aluminum.

$38.00 (Foundation Brush), $27.00 (Flat Eyeshadow Brush). Available on the Mirabella Beauty website. Their brushes range in price from $19 to $60 each.

Mirabella Foundation and Flat Eyeshadow Brush Review:
These brushes caught my attention right away; their sleek, stylish design of the aluminum handles is really attractive and unlike any other brushes I currently own.

The brush heads themselves are really great quality and apply makeup perfectly. The foundation brush is great for applying liquid foundations, while the Flat Eyeshadow Brush works for a number of different eyeshadow formulas.

I found these easy to hold in my hand, they felt comfortable, and they are now two of my favorite brushes to use!

Overall, yes, I'd recommend these!

Now let me know what you think...
What do you think of these brushes? Have you tried either of them or would you like to? Discuss in the comments below.

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