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Help! My Ring Is Too Tight!

You just got a beautiful new ring - but it feels too tight!  Maybe it is, but before you decide you must have it made larger (especially if you're a first time ring wearer) let's talk about how a ring should fit.

A ring which fits properly should feel a bit tight to you (although it actually is not).  It should go on your finger easily but come off a bit harder - with a slight tug over the knuckle.

Getting used to the feeling of a new ring can take a few days during which you may constantly think the ring is too tight for you.  Patience is the key, but if after several days your ring still seems too tight you should consult a jeweler.

Men, especially those who have never worn a ring before, often have a tougher time than women when getting adjusted to wearing a new ring.  One of the most common mistakes made by men is to purchase a ring too large for them.  This increases the risk of losing the ring.

Before purchasing any ring, have your finger sized by a jeweler.  An experienced professional will be able to recommend a size based on the shape of your finger and the style of your ring.  Narrow rings will typically require a smaller size than wide rings because they take up less room on your finger.

Also remember that temperature and other factors cause our fingers to constantly change so its normal for a ring to feel tight sometimes and loose other times - often in the same day!  Pregnant women should keep a close eye on how their rings fit and take them off - and leave them off- before the swelling makes it necessary to have them cut off.  You can wear them again when your fingers return to their original size after the baby arrives.

If you are in danger of losing your ring because it is so loose or if it's impossible to remove your ring because it is so tight, see a jeweler right away.

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