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Güncel Haberler

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

Earlier this week I visited my best pal in Norfolk. It was so lovely to be in the countryside for a few days and have some girly time together, especially since we live about two hours away from each other! On Wednesday we decided to take a little trip into Cromer, and although the weather turned out to be a little less sunny than we hoped, it was still a lovely afternoon. 

We had quite possibly the yummiest fish and chips I think I have ever eaten, finished off with a seaside must have.. a 99 ice cream. Thursday was spent having a mooch around Norwich, creating mental wislists in Mac and various other beauty counters. All in all a lovely few days!

On a less happier note, I came home to some sad news yesterday. My cat Coco had sadly been run over and passed away whilst I was gone :( She was such a beaut of a cat and will be very much missed!


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