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Echo commercial cooking together

Echo commercial cooking together

There was a commercial for amazon echo that featured a young woman cooking and being assisted by her father through the device. She had messed up what she was cooking for a date and he helped her to make something else for the date.

As it turned out, she did this quite a lot. It started to become a bit annoying for her Dad. The two happened to be together in the audience for a What Would You Do style television show where the audience took part and became contestants. It was hosted by a host that was pretty much the same as Marc Summers in most respects. During the show, the host asked if there were any parents who had adult children who were annoying and always bugging them for help with things that they should be doing on their own. The lady’s father’s hand shot up instantly. She tried to push it down and said,” Oh no, Dad, stop it.” She blushed. The host went around the audience looking for the two people that he was going to choose to be on the show. She thought to herself, “Oh God, please don’t pick us. This is so embarrassing.” She tried to shrink down into her chair so she would not be seen. She felt like she wanted to crawl into a hole. As the host approached her Dad she could feel herself getting redder and redder. She pushed her hands across each other as if to say, “No, don’t pick us.” Her heart sank and she felt a tinge of shock and embarrassment go through her body as the host approached her father.

He asked him his name and asked who he was here with. He explained that she was his daughter. The host asked if there was something that she was always bugging him about and he said that there was. Much to her chagrin, the host asked them to come down and join him on stage. She looked at her father and playfully punched him in the arm in annoyance. She reluctantly had to get up and join them on stage. She looked mortified to be there. She was the sort of woman who thought that she was very cool and thought that this was beneath her.

The host welcomed them to the show. He shook their hands. She looked less than pleased to be there to be sure. “So, your daughter here, what does she do that you find quite annoying?,” he asked. “Well, cooking. She is a grown woman, but she cannot cook to save her life. She is always having to call me and I am having to help her cook things. “ “Is this true?,” the host asked. She smiled, “Of course not. Nah,” she said. “Oooh, I am not sure I believe that,” he said. “Yes that does sound very annoying. What is the one thing that she has trouble cooking more than anything else?,” he asked. “It would have to be spaghetti for sure,” the father stated. “Oh spaghetti. I see. She just can’t seem to make it properly on her own can she? That must be so annoying.” She gave thumbs down and shook her head saying no.

“Well, we are here to help. We want to solve this problem and create family harmony. I think that we have two possible solutions to this problem and Dad you are going to get to choose which one we use today. Because we really want your daughter never to forget how to cook spaghetti again. Don’t we? So here are your choices. We could either send your daughter off to have some cooking lessons or, we could have you take a giant pot of spaghetti and pour it all over your daughter’s head. What would you rather do?” The woman looked at her Dad in horror. Her mouth fell opened and her eyes widened. The audience cheered. “Let’s dump the spaghetti over head,” he responded. She shook her head in furry and then gave a sarcastic laughing face as she had in the commercial.

A chair was brought out and she was asked to take a seat. He father was then handed a pot of spaghetti identical to the one in the commercial only larger. The spaghetti was similar to what she had made in the commercial. She looked back at him and pointed. “You wouldn’t dare,” she teased. He just smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

“So, after this, I don’t think she is going to be asking for your help making spaghetti anymore. I don’t think that she will ever forget this. When you are ready please let her have it.” She closed her eyes tightly and braced herself. The father lifted the spaghetti and then began to tip it over his daughter’s head. The audience roared in applause and laughter as the leftover spaghetti rolled out of the pot onto her head. She let out a squeal as she felt the disgusting mess fall onto her head. It rolled down her hair and face. Her hair was up as it was in the commercial so the blobs of sloppy spaghetti and all of the other ingredients stuck to her face. More poured down onto her chest and bare arms and then down onto her legs. She was soon bathed in it. It looked revolting, It was the kind of spaghetti that had been mixed with the sauce and things beforehand producing an almost orange coloured fouled smelling mass of mess. Strands of spaghetti dangled all over her. Blobs of sauce, cheese and other ingredients stuck to her face and body. It really suited her.

She looked pouty and disgusted. Her father looked down and laughed, enjoying what he had done to her immensely. She threw her hands up and down splashing in the spaghetti and sauce. The host then tried to speak to her. “I bet you will never forget how to make spaghetti again will you now?”. He asked. She gave a sarcastic chuckle and rolled her eyes. “ Definitely not,” she said. The segment ended with the camera zooming in on her face. She shook her fist and gave an annoyed look. Then a slow motion replay was shown.

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