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Kim Komando denies she is a corporate hack and fires back at the Left Sharks

Casey Kelso
   Kim Komando was on her awful award-losing technology infomercial program when the topic of net neutrality was brought up by a co-host or producer. She went on to speak of the intense criticism she has received through social media,Facebook, and blogs and Kim Komando shot back with her same stupid argument that government t stifles innovation and had there would be regulations the internet never would of taken off and this is both as sine and insane. Kim Komando went on to mention how people attacked her as being for net neutrality as just being part of the mainstream media she is backed and a hack of corporate interests which is absolutely true for her, Rush Limbaugh, and all other r radio hosts basically and an interesting old video of Kim Komando has surfaced upon our research of this skank through google and YouTube.
In a video form seven years ago the hack Kimm Komando was pushing for restrictions to the internet being taken off the boks and that rich people can have access to faster than light internet service jumping around to sites and porn while those without the means of such affordability should be regulated to AOL circa nineties type speeds. The elitism of this wench ir horrendous and a Kim Komando has financial gains for herself in the big oligopolistic internet companies form charging more and making more profit from tiered pricing and the elimination of good  steady service for everyone. Kim Komando's arguments are absurd showing her IQ and disregard for the obvious saying that it is better that the internet is in private control than government hands because companies are more accountable that congress to the consumer , which in olipolistic and monopolistic industries is bullshit. The last I checked Kim is that the average citizen can't elect CEO's or presidents of these major companies but congressmen are accountable to voters and it is government that is more accountable to people and thus should have the internet declared a public utility as people need this service for the educational practicalities and equal access for children  or looking for jobs. The misinformation of a Kim Komando and the lies about how there is no real advertising on her program despite the fact she says Apple some two hundred times per episode is another example of how Kim Komanda is and always will be a corporate hack and her defense of the recent FCC pullback of Obama era restrictions is a clear example of this.

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